Featured News 2015 Neighbor-to-Neighbor Disputes

Neighbor-to-Neighbor Disputes

Sometimes moving to a neighborhood is like joining a big family, especially when your neighbors enjoy inviting each other to holiday parties, family barbeques, and children's birthdays. But, much like family, you don't always get along well with every one of your neighbors.

Sometimes neighbors develop disputes over things like barking dogs, loud chainsaws at 6:00 in the morning, and unusually large trees that get in the way of a neighbor's scenic view.

Common neighbor-to-neighbor disputes:

  • Weeds
  • Excessive noise
  • Trees that disrupt a view
  • Overgrown trees that blocks natural sunshine
  • Structural changes or additions that ruin views (potentially damaging property values)
  • Any grading or a building that alters natural water runoff, causing damage
  • A neighbor's home improvement project that bursts a water line, creating flood damage
  • Broken-down or unsightly cars parked on the neighbor's property
  • A home-based business that causes traffic, congestion, noise, foul odors, etc.

Dealing With Difficult Neighbors

Almost everyone has neighbors, and when you have them, there's always the possibility that you'll have a problem, especially when you have clashing personalities.

Whether it's a dog that barks all night long, an untrimmed tree, junk spread all throughout your neighbor's yard, a loud party, or a cluster of old cars parked on their front lawn, you can find answers about how to deal with difficult neighbors by speaking with a real estate attorney.

Who can help me?

You have to live in your home, so you should feel comfortable, happy and safe while you're there. To ensure that you maintain your sanity and your quality of life, use our directory to find a real estate lawyer near you!

An attorney can answer your questions and explain your rights under the law. If you have a serious dispute that needs to be taken to court, your real estate lawyer can protect your interests while pursing the best possible outcome.

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