Featured News 2013 Property, Mold Claims & Litigation

Property, Mold Claims & Litigation

Buying a new home can be an exciting time for a person, or families, life. Whether it is your first little apartment as newlyweds, or your family has decided to just relocate, a new home can be both a lot of fun, and quite exhausting. The process of packing up, resituating and settling in can also be overwhelming; however, once you are done everything should be good to go, right? Wrong. It is not unheard of that when people move into their new homes they later on discover that mold damage is present in their home, something they were not aware of when they made the purchase. Mold is a very dangerous thing to find in your home, and action must be taken immediately because it can be toxic. There is approximately 100,000 different forms of mold, some of which are known to be the causes of major health problems. While the percentage of toxic molds is small, if you find mold in your home after a purchase, filing a mold claim as soon as possible is the next necessary step.

By filing for a mold claim, you will be able to receive the money necessary to pay for the damages in your home, which can at time cost a lot of money depending on the extent of the damages. There are many cases in which the damage is so deep that it requires entire rooms to be torn apart to get to the root of the cause. Because of that, you want to make sure that the people responsible for the mold are the ones paying for the damages, rather than your own pocket book. Taking action as soon as possible is very important because mold that is toxic can lead to health concerns such as rashes, bleeding, fatigue, seizures, and other more severe problems later on down the road of your life. Mold is a huge concern particularly within homes is because the areas are airtight and therefore the moisture is more likely to create mold rather than dry out.

Statistics show that over the past 10 years there has been a significant increase in mold reports and claims in America, with an estimated 30% of all new homes being found with mold in them. As stated above, out of the 100,000 types of mold, only a small fraction of them are toxic; however, according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) each of the molds, toxic or not, have the ability to make someone ill. For this very reason, if you have not yet purchased a new home, or any other type of property, it is absolutely essential that you hire a very thorough home investigator to search the property from top to bottom. Finding the issue before your purchase is going to be better for you and your family as opposed to having to fight for a claim down the road. If you do eventually have to file a claim, the overall value of your property has the potential of decreasing if litigation is required for your claim.

Are you considering pursuing litigation because of the mold damage you discovered in your property? If so, you are not alone! In many cases of mold, a homeowner, contractor, architect, real estate agent, etc. can be held liable for not properly addressing the issue of the mold or warning you prior to the purchase of the home. Contact a real estate attorney in your area in order to discuss your current situation, and to determine what the best plan of action would be for your case. Don't wait before taking action; however, mold is something that is not to be toyed with, you very life may be at stake!

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